AMH Respiratory Therapy
AMH's respiratory therapists treat people with health care issues affecting the cardiopulmonary system such as asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, cardiovascular disorders and trauma. Our respiratory therapists provide care and life support to patients who are hospitalized, in the emergency room or surgery and to newborns after delivery - if needed. This care is delivered via breathing treatments or techniques to help restore normal breathing/Our Respiratory Therapy services also include:
Making arrangements for home oxygenSetting up in-home and in-hospital sleep studies
Making appointments for:
Cardiac Clinics (Dr. Tessendorf and Dr. Welsh)
Pulmonary Clinic (Kecia Christensen, APRN)
Out-patient Services include:
Cardiac Stress TestingHolter & Event Monitors
Arterial Blood Gases
Complete Pulmonary Function testing
Lung Volumes/Airway Resistance
Pre & Post-Spirometry
EMG / Nerve Conduction Studies
Overnight Oximetry Trends (Inpatient & Outpatient)
Six-minute Walks
Non-invasive Ventilation (BiPAP / CPAP)
Chest Percussion Therapy
Smoking Cessation Education (Inpatient & Outpatient)
AMH Respiratory Therapy Hours:
Weekdays/Weekends: 7 am - 5 pmPhone: 402.887.6264